Motivation will only get you so far, and when it reaches its end, something else needs to be there to keep you going. Dedication is an integral part of the equation for success (if not the most important part) that is often overlooked.
Let’s talk about motivation vs. dedication and discover which you need to reach your goals.
Motivation is a fleeting feeling that easily dissipates with the ebbs and flows of life.
Dedication, on the other hand, is different. Dedication is a mindset (one that comes more easily when the objective aligns with you). If you describe a dedicated person, you are describing their devotion to a particular purpose or cause.
The Difference Between Motivation and Dedication
ACTION – Action is the biggest diference between motivation and dedication.
Motivation is only the initiative to start a task. It includes a person’s reasons and desires for engaging in a particular behavior to try to achieve a goal.
Dedication goes way beyond a desire. It’s the commitment to follow through with behaviors and actions that lead to the accomplishment of that goal. Motivation does not require action, as it’s purely an “inner” desire and merely a thought. Dedication, however, requires action (action = effort). Dedication uses motivation as an internal wish and puts physical and mental effort to work.
The way we see it…
- Motivation can be used to build determination to achieve something.
- We all fall prey to its enticing lure many times throughout our lives.
- Motivation feels incredible during the time it sticks around.
- When motivated, we feel ready to conquer the world.
- When motivated, we feel ready to take on new tasks with the end result in mind.
- When motivated, we commit to endeavors without first counting the cost.
- Dedication, on the other hand, is different. Dedication starts with your mindset and is blended with consistency and commitment.
- Dedication begins at the core of who we are. It is rooted in our core values and who we’ve decided to become.
- Dedication doesn’t leave room for excuses about why we won’t complete something.
- Dedication gives us a deep resolve to fulfill our commitments, regardless of how we “feel” in the moment.
Denzel Washington: ‘Without commitment, you’ll never start, but more importantly, without consistency, you’ll never finish’! (Found this clip years ago on Goalcast’s YouTube channel)
Which Do You Need to Succeed? Motivation or Dedication
Dedication doesn’t appear on its own – it is born from motivation. (often it’s the smallest or shortest spark of motivation)
Dedication is effort. It’s waking up early, sacrificing your free time, getting uncomfortable, taking risks, facing failure, and diving into the unknown. Most of these are impossible without the spark of motivation.
Types of Motivation – Intrinsic and Extrinsic
- Make sure most of your motivation is intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation involves completing a task or exhibiting a behavior because of external factors. In the modern world, many of us see what others have achieved without aligning it to ourselves—our capabilities, time, knowledge, or experience. When fueled by extrinsic motivation, we’re often driven by what we see or hear, not by who we truly are. This isn’t to say extrinsic motivation is bad. It can be a great spark for motivation and a way to discover new possibilities. But what happens if it doesn’t align with YOU? If you don’t have the dedication (commitment and consistency) to take the necessary actions and make the effort, it can lead to feelings of unworthiness, disappointment, laziness, and even demoralization.
- Think about a time when you pursued a societal goal or someone else’s dream (e.g., being motivated to get fit, study, or work longer hours). How did you feel when you started and then stopped so quickly—or didn’t start at all? Now think about a time when your motivation was fueled by your own desires. No matter how uncomfortable the effort, actions, or growth was, you persevered because it was what YOU wanted.
In summary: Ensure your efforts and actions align with YOUR nature—not simply because you admire something in others or because society says it’s fashionable.
A Personal Perspective
As someone who strives to add value to the world while continuously growing myself, I know dedication is what drives me in moments of low motivation (and there are many).
Dedication is what I turn to when I’m facing fear. It’s what keeps me going when I don’t see the progress I expected. It’s my internal knowing — my intrinsic motivation — that progress will come closer if I stay true to my dedication.